The school has a board of governors (18 in total) appointed by a number of representative community groups made up as follows:
- 10 Foundation governors (appointed by the St David’s Diocesan Council for Education)
- 2 Governors appointed by the Local Authority
- 2 Parent governors (elected by the parents of the school)
- 3 Staff governors (appointed by the staff and including the head teacher)
- 1 Community Governor (appointed from the minor authority)
The Governing Body is responsible, together with the head teacher, for the long-term strategic direction of the school. Its role is to act collectively in the best interest of the children, ensuring the good conduct of the school and promoting high standards of educational achievement. In practice this means a collective responsibility for many aspects of the school, including its ethos, mission, curriculum, management, planning, personnel, financial and building matters, and promoting good links with parents, the Church and the wider community.
Governors act as a “critical friend”, providing a balanced view across the whole community, hence the broad representation. The governors are assisted by a Clerk to the Governors who undertakes all the administrative tasks.
In addition, the Governing Body may delegate monitoring activities to individual governors. This may apply to statutory functions, and/or the priorities of the School Plan. In each case where a function has been delegated, there is a statutory duty to report any action or decision to the governing body at the next meeting; this is done through the submission of Governor Visit Reporting forms.
As our school is Voluntary Aided, the Christian ethos is central to all our decision making and planning. Foundation governors share equally with other members of the Governing Body all these responsibilities, but additionally, they have responsibilities which arise directly out of the school’s Trust Deed.
The Trust Deed sets out the original purposes for which the school was founded. Foundation governors of Church in Wales schools are guardians of those purposes, and have important and specific responsibilities for maintaining and enhancing the school’s Anglican foundation. In Voluntary Aided schools, foundation governors form a majority on the governing body and they have a number of important and influential powers which help them in the delivery of these responsibilities.
All governors act in a voluntary capacity.
Our full list of governors can be seen below: